Dear entrepreneurs - It's important to take care of yourself

Published Dec 10, 2020

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Did you know that, as an entrepreneur, you are more at risk of suffering from a mental health problem than the general population?

Indeed, the director of innovation at the American Psychological Association, Jessica Carson, presents in shock statistics the proportion at which entrepreneurs experience the following mental health problems compared to the rest of the population:

  • Depression: 2 times more

  • Attention deficit disorder: 6 times more

  • Substance abuse: 3 times more

  • Bipolar disorder: 11 times more

While 12.2% of the Quebec population will experience a depressive episode at some point in their lives, 72% of entrepreneurs say they suffer from psychological distress and 96% confirm that stress and fatigue limit their ability to concentrate and their motivation to undertake new initiatives. 

The current pandemic has created an imbalance in everyone's lives, whether it's your children's, your colleagues', your partner's or even your own. Added to this are long working weeks, difficulty taking holidays, unforeseen events and the stressful decisions involved in running a small business;

Strategic human resources management professionals can help you put prevention mechanisms in place to identify and act on risk factors for your mental health, before they become a problem.

With this in mind, the Mallette team of experts, in collaboration with the Quebec organisation Revivre, shares some advice here on how to get back to basics, open up the discussion and positively reassess your priorities and goals.


We all have something that makes us feel good, whether it's working out, cooking, turning off the mobile phone, etc. It's called self-management. When you're going through a difficult time, it's vital to revisit the strategies that work for you, the ones that soothe you and allow you to switch off. 

Don't have a specific strategy? Try the LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S, derived from the Miracle Morning method by Hal Elrod, which emphasises the importance of making time for yourself every day through six personal development practices: silence, positive affirmation, visualisation, exercise, reading and writing. 

What's more, as a business leader, your creative, innovative and action-oriented brain is constantly in turmoil. Good sleep management is essential to keep up the pace, and your health.

In short, put yourself first. Just as you need to put on your oxygen mask before helping anyone on a plane, by taking care of yourself first, you'll be able to fully assume your role as a leader, which will have a positive impact on your teams and their productivity.


One of the first steps towards recovery is to talk about it. By being authentic, honest and transparent, you will break the isolation and allow those around you at work to understand you and offer you the support you need for business continuity. 

Moreover, by being empathetic yourself and listening to your partners or employees, you'll create a climate of openness that will benefit everyone in your organisation

At the same time,did you know that there are business networks that would allow you to exchange ideas with other executives? Joining a business circle will give you the opportunity to discuss issues in complete confidentiality with people who hold similar positions to you and who understand your reality. Co-development will allow you to share, but you will also receive sound advice that will have a positive impact on your professional and personal success.

In addition, through your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and/or your group insurance plan, or through organizations such as Revivre, you can be put in touch with professional resources when you need them, in complete confidentiality;


The key: focus your efforts on what you can control and let go of the rest. 

A business continuity plan (BCP) will enable you to predict the measures to be taken in the event of unforeseeable events, such as a fire, computer hacking or even another health crisis, in order to ensure that essential functions and services are maintained and thus minimise the impact on your company's survival. This is an effective management tool that will enable you to act where you have control and should be thought through with your partners and close collaborators.

The BCP includes the creation of a human resources contingency plan, also known as a succession plan. Indeed, identifying your responsibilities, your main roles as well as your key resources will enable you to know what you can delegate and who you can turn to in order to do so. This way, you will no longer feel that you are alone in carrying the projects, decisions and trials. This is the principle of shared responsibility.

What's more, not all your tasks and responsibilities are equally important. Here are two tips to help you manage your daily priorities more effectively:

  • Set fewer goals, but make sure they're focused, achievable and motivating so that you'll want to invest in achieving them.

  • Identify one essential task that will take up 20% of your time, but achieve 80% of the results in your day.

The current pandemic is undoubtedly an exceptional situation. However, as a strategic manager, other trials will challenge your mental health over the course of your career. 

It's always better to prevent than to cure. Contact us.

In collaboration with Revivre
1 866 REVIVRE (738-4873) [email protected]

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