Enterprise Risk Management

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Every company faces its own weaknesses and threats from its environment. That's why it is wise for companies to draw up a game plan to help them fulfil their mission and achieve their objectives.

Risk management is an effective mechanism that enables any management team to agree on areas to be vigilant about and priority actions to be taken. The coherence of action and effectiveness of the management committee will increase tenfold.

A structured risk analysis and regular monitoring are essential tools for improving internal communication with your team, advisory committee or board of directors.

Mallette knows how to identify, analyse and evaluate risks. With our advice and the implementation of appropriate action plans and organisational structures, Mallette helps to keep risks at a tolerable level in order to preserve and even create value for your company.

We are experts in risk analysis and management. Mallette facilitates and structures information, leads discussions, challenges preconceived ideas and suggests actions to be taken. Our strength lies in our approach, which is adapted to each organisational structure, culture and management team dynamic. Our clients benefit from our proven tools and our knowledge of the many facets of a company.

What we offer

A structured, step-by-step approach to help any business manage its risks:

  • A 101 course on risk management so that participants have a common vocabulary and can contribute to the process

  • A structure and preliminary analysis of business risks so that the time of company resources adds value

  • The facilitation of workshop discussions and their documentation in our proven tool

  • A clear picture of the risks, how they may arise, the impact if they do arise and how the company is currently dealing with them

  • Identification of areas of vulnerability and prioritisation of actions

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