Corporate Reorganisation

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Contact us

At Mallette, our expertise covers various aspects of business law, from business succession planning to tax and estate planning, including the development of business plans and strategic organisation.

Our services include a full diagnosis of the potential consequences of the departure of the owner-manager, the search for internal and external succession solutions, the identification of current and future human resources needs, the development of a skills development plan, the recruitment and integration of new resources, and the monitoring of the action plan.

Our services offer many advantages for our customers. Calling on Mallette initiates and facilitates dialogue between the parties involved in succession planning. Our approach puts managers at the heart of the process, guaranteeing success and longevity. As senior advisers in business transfers, our professionals have developed a comprehensive approach to ensure the success of the process.

For more information, contact our team of experts by email: [email protected].

What we offer

Our work covers a number of key aspects:

Human aspects

  • Diagnostic Express Relève

  • Skills analysis

  • Review of organisational structure

  • Sharing of roles and responsibilities

  • Development of a transition plan

  • Mentoring and coaching

  • Staff recruitment

Strategic aspects

  • Market and product positioning

  • Organisational diagnosis

  • Business plan development and strategic planning

  • Performance evaluation

Financial aspects

  • Staff recruitment

  • Financial forecasts

  • Funding/grants

  • Due diligence

  • Financial performance

Tax issues

  • Tax planning

  • Estate planning

  • Corporate reorganisation

  • Employee incentive plan

  • Personal financial planning

Contact us

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