The Prix de la Relève is much more than a competition!

Entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs, you could win one of the next generation prizes!

It's an opportunity for up-and-coming entrepreneurs to make themselves known to the region's business community. Both through the exclusive networking activity offered as part of the event and through the presentation of all the candidates at the awards evening.

2024 Edition | Bidding period completed for 2024

Registration for the awards evening

- Congratulations to the winners! - Congratulations to the recipients! - Congratulations to the recipients!

On May 10, Mallette awarded several prizes worth $5,000 each to entrepreneurs and $3,000 in services to future entrepreneurs. Congratulations to all the winners!

Future entrepreneurs category

Two $3,000 service prizes

Anne Caron, MRC de l'Islet, Gabriel Tremblay, Poissonnerie Tremblay and Geneviève Comtois, Desjardins Capital

Alexandra Lemieux, Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de la MRC de Montmagny, Lorenzo Abbatiello and Karine Emond, Bistro de la Seigneurie and Pizzamore épicerie fine and Maxime Ross-Gagné, Banque Nationale

Category Entrepreneurs

Three prizes of $3,000 in cash and $2,000 in services

Francis Marois, Montmagny RCM, Louis-David Bourgault, Business Development Bank of Canada, Maxime Hébert, Ferme M.H. Mustang inc. and Christian Rioux, Royal Bank of Canada

Mireille Thibault, Centre d'aide aux entreprises de Montmagny-L'Islet, Chloé Ouellette and Simon-Pierre Houde, Alimentation St-François and Maxime Dionne, Investissement Québec

Jasmin Lord, Synthia Leblanc and Dave Fournier, Kubota Montmagny and Christian Dubois, Fonds régional de solidarité FTQ - Chaudière - Appalaches

Jury's favourite

$1,500 cash prize

Marie-Hélène Lavoie, Plastiques Gagnon inc., Isabelle Saint-Pierre, Simon Couillard and Jasmin Gagnon, Usinage L'Islet inc., Denis Bourgault, Umano Médical inc. and Marcus Deschênes, Transport Gilmyr inc. (absent from photo)

The Mallette organising committee

Prix de la Relève 2023 Competition

Simon Chouinard, Valérie Massoud, Joannie Gendron, Annick Dubé, Annie Fournier, Joelle Robichaud, Réjean Lemieux and Jean-François Pelletier