Increase My Cash Flow

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Are you short of cash? Has your line of credit reached the maximum authorised and you're wondering how you're going to pay your suppliers and employees? Mallette can help you identify various possible solutions. We put our expertise in financial analysis at your disposal to help you understand your company's situation and identify opportunities for improvement.

It is essential to increase your liquidity if the cash outflow related to your business costs is higher than the cash inflow related to your income. Overcoming your cash shortfall will prevent you from being unable to meet your short-term commitments (payment of employee salaries, rent, loan repayments, suppliers, etc.).

Faced with a shortage of cash, it is therefore essential to put measures in place without delay to obtain liquidity as quickly as possible. In addition to certain actions that we advise you to take and that will have a positive impact on your working capital in the short term, a good starting point for implementing longer-term measures is profitability and return on investment, as well as cost analyses.

If increasing your cash flow is an issue, our team of experts in financial analysis will carry out a complete analysis of your financial statements, production costs and financial projections. We help you assess your profitability, identify growth drivers and opportunities for improving profitability, and minimise risks.

Whether it's optimising costs, improving processes or developing new business strategies, we'll make sure you have the right cash flow for your current and future situation.

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Acting with integrity to make fair decisions that foster relationships based on trust.


Combining the efforts of all our stakeholders to achieve shared goals.


Respect for others means considering their values and beliefs.


Working together fosters positive interactions and leads to successful outcomes.

See what Mallette can do for you.

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