Estate Planning

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Contact us

Estate planning is a process that ensures the continuity of an estate and the respect of wishes. It is important to have a clear picture of the impact of the choices you make, and to achieve this we suggest an overall analysis that includes a review of the financial situation, the corporate structure, the various legal documents in place (trust deed, shareholders' agreement, will), an analysis of the insurance products in place, the calculation of latent taxes in the event of death and the liquidity of the estate.

This approach makes it possible to :

  • Ensure that the wishes expressed have the desired impact

  • Make it easier for next of kin

  • Maximise the value of assets passed on to beneficiaries

  • Guarantee the continuity of the business, where appropriate

  • Ensure that the estate is managed in a way that benefits minor children

  • Reduce the tax burden associated with the death

  • Protect post-death assets

What We Offer

  • Assistance with estate planning

  • Drawing up an estate plan

  • Organisation of the transfer of assets

  • Optimise inheritance tax arrangements

  • Defining life insurance needs

  • Professional advice to ensure a successful outcome to this crucial stage of life

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