Setting Up a Salary Structure

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Analysing your salary structure will ensure that you offer working conditions that are consistent with the job market and fair to all your employees.

At Mallette, we understand these issues and we offer specialised services to support you during this process. We can help you carry out an in-depth job analysis, conduct a comparative salary analysis on the market and establish a salary structure that reflects the value of your employees' contributions.

Our team of experts can also guide you in setting up employee incentive plans, group insurance plans and pension plans tailored to your needs and those of your employees. With our personalised approach and expertise in compensation policy, we help you create an environment where compensation is fair, transparent and motivating for your employees, while contributing to the growth and success of your business.

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Acting with integrity to make fair decisions that foster relationships based on trust.


Combining the efforts of all our stakeholders to achieve shared goals.


Respect for others means considering their values and beliefs.


Working together fosters positive interactions and leads to successful outcomes.

See what Mallette can do for you.

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