Group Insurance Plan

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Contact us

At Mallette, actuarial services have been part of our corporate culture for over 30 years. We have developed our practice with clients in four sectors of activity: the private sector (SMEs, large corporations, associations), NPOs, municipalities and the public sector.

We differentiate ourselves from traditional accounting firms by integrating consulting services in employee benefits and total compensation (group insurance, group and individual pension plans (IPPs), financial planning and compensation) with our specialised services in taxation, international hiring, employer branding, strategic HR management and recruitment.

This synergy of experts working under the same roof in a 360-degree dynamic enables our customers to combine the benefits of the group insurance program with the overall objectives of the human resources department, thereby significantly enhancing their employer brand.

Some of the benefits for the company:

  • Development of a global strategy

  • Cost control

  • Representation to the insurer

  • Reduction of administrative tasks

  • Increased efficiency

  • Transparent remuneration

  • Better understanding of programs

  • Competitive advantages in attracting and retaining resources

  • Etc.

What we offer

  • In-depth analysis of management and employee needs

  • A complete, no-cost diagnosis of current insurance and pension plans

  • In-depth knowledge of the market and its trends

  • Close proximity to brokerage firms

  • Development of personalized, flexible and innovative programs

  • High-performance tools

  • Support to increase prevention

  • Efficiency and performance gains

  • Representation to insurers

  • Training for our customers' internal resources and employees

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