Réseau Mallette | Economic update: a flagship event for your business strategies

Published Feb 17, 2023

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On February 15, nearly a hundred business people gathered at Baie de Beauport for the 2023 Economic Update, an exclusive event organised by the Mallette Network, in collaboration with the CDPQ.

Participants were welcomed at the start of the day with a networking coffee by Laurent Duvernay-Tardif. The athlete and doctor took the time to say a few words about his foundation, the LDT Foundation, and to stress the importance of physical and artistic activity for the development of young people and the success of the next generation.

This was followed by a conversation with Nicolas Parent, Vice-President, Economic and Financial Analysis at CDPQ, on the economic outlook for Quebec. Mr Parent shared his views on the issues surrounding the current situation, including the impact of the pandemic on inflation, labour shortages and rising interest rates.

The morning continued with a panel discussion, moderated by Pascal Moffet, Partner in Advisory Services at Mallette, on business strategies and issues for SMEs. The panellists were :

  • Mrs Geneviève Paris, co-owner and vice-president of logistics, strategy and communications at Paber Aluminium

  • Mr François Tardif, chairman of the board of Maibec

  • Mr Martin Thériault, founder, chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Previan

  • Mr Martin Lizotte, senior director, Quebec, medium-sized private companies at CDPQ

The discussions provided an opportunity to address major business themes such as mergers and acquisitions, labour shortages, immigration, supply chains, climate change and innovation. The question and answer session confirmed participants' interest in and sensitivity to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Mr Lizotte concluded the event with a list of possible solutions to guide the actions of business leaders in seizing major business opportunities in the coming year.

The Mallette Network would like to thank its partner, the CDPQ, as well as Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, Nicolas Parent, the panellists and all the participants who contributed to the success of this event.

About the Mallette Network

The Mallette Network offers its members interactive workshops, confidential sharing and access to high-level collaborators. Being part of a circle means developing a strong bond with other members while pursuing the same objective: equipping yourself with the best practices for efficiency and growth.

For more information, click here.