Information technology entrepreneurs - you could be performing better!

Published Nov 3, 2020

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Did you know that there are several IT-specific strategies for increasing your profits and accelerating your growth?

Mallette shares with you the reflexes that entrepreneurs need to develop to keep pace in an industry that is always moving too fast. These mechanisms are the fruit of more than a hundred mandates carried out throughout Quebec by our team dedicated to IT companies.


  • Are you aware of the various government programmes and the new features they offer?

As well as maximising your tax credits for e-business development (EBD) and scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED), you need to be creative in order to obtain the best funding results and improve your cash flow;

Make sure you're quickly aware of the opportunities available to you by constantly monitoring announcements. For example, are you aware of the Quebec government's new measure for companies marketing software they have developed? The incentive deduction for the commercialization of innovations (DICI) could mean significant tax savings for your company;


  • Is yours agile enough to adapt to your customers and new market opportunities or challenges?

To maintain your leadership position in IT, the watchword is "anticipate the blows"... and especially their costs! 

Adopt the good practice of questioning the efficiency of your structure and its ability to develop and integrate new processes that will save you time and money. The establishment of a business growth committee remains a popular idea with our IT clients, with whom we work closely.    


  • Do you have the specialist skills required to deliver your projects on time? Will your hiring and skills plan allow you to move at the speed you want?

With the highly competitive brainpower market, it is now common for IT companies to turn to international recruitment;

Especially as teleworking is more than ever recognised for its effectiveness, it is possible to imagine new models of recruitment and partnerships;

Many of Mallette's clients have developed the reflex of going beyond national borders to fill strategic and technical positions. This strategy is not without its challenges, particularly in terms of the rules governing immigration;

  • Choose professionals who will help you avoid the pitfalls as well as the legal and administrative mazes, and above all who have contacts in the recruitment markets you are targeting.

Mallette, for example, is a partner in a worldwide network of professionals who can be relied on to go straight to the source and get answers quickly.


Mallette offers a proactive support process adapted to the realities of information technology that was developed based on industry best practices. Just like you, Mallette is out in front to stay there!  

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