Find your foreign workforce here in Quebec: take advantage of the favourable environment

Published Sep 29, 2020

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The majority of work permits for foreign workers issued in Canada have two characteristics:

  • They are for a fixed period

  • They bind a foreign worker to an identified employer
    (a closed work permit)

Were you envious of your "cool" young competitor with his new equipment, his "hot" methods and his specialised workers from all over the world?

He should have been jealous of your profit margin, your BNR and your working capital.
The confinement will have taken its toll on his company which leaves excellent workers  

"This is your opportunity to pick your best employees. Some new arrivals have a closed work permit. Technically, they cannot be unemployed or work elsewhere. They should normally return home. But with COVID, they can't go back.

It is possible to apply for a new work permit in the name, this time, of your company. The regulatory authorities will validate the Estudy of Iimpact on the Mlabour market T (the EIMT) and its provincial equivalent. Pending the results, the candidate can work on your premises very quickly (usually less than 10 days). Once acclimatised to the country, our working methods and customs, recruiting this new employee will have cost you little more than a regional recruitment.

Sometimes the work permit is open rather than closed. In this case, you can hire the holder without any further formalities. However, check the expiry date of the permit - there is always one.

Do you like the idea of recruiting internationally, all done here? Spread the word in your various circles:

  • Your business advisor, your accountant

  • Your banker who sees some of his clients disappear

  • Your recruitment agency 

  • The syndic in your area

So many people to put you on the trail of interesting opportunities.

But you have to do a bit of legwork, because most of these people know little about work permit regulations and have few reflexes or automatisms on the subject.

Now you know enough to guide them!


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