Community Services Recovery Fund

Published Feb 6, 2023

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Overview of the programme

View the press release

A $400 million investment by the Government of Canada to help community organizations adapt in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, these organizations play a leading role in providing solutions to the persistent and complex social problems affecting Canadians. The Community Services Recovery Fund will strengthen the internal capacity of community organizations affected by the immediate and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now open! You can now submit your application to the Community Services Recovery Fund. The submission deadline is February 21, 2023 at 5 p.m. PT.

Areas of intervention of the project

Projects financed by the Community Services Recovery Fund will fall within one of the areas of intervention set out below. The aim of these projects should be to strengthen the internal capacity of community organisations.

Investing in people

  • Human and volunteer resources structures and policies

  • Recruitment and retention strategies for staff, volunteers or board members

  • Mental health support programmes for staff, volunteers or board members

  • Support and training for staff, volunteers or board members

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion projects

  • Other activities to help staff, volunteers and/or board members modernise or adapt

Investing in systems and processes

  • Investment in a contact management system

  • Implementation of a new communications plan

  • Improving a new accounting system

  • Development, implementation or adaptation of a new fundraising strategy

  • Assessment of governance from the point of view of organisational resilience

  • Examination of the possibilities of merging or combining with one or more community community organisations

  • Development or adaptation of a data protection or privacy strategy or plan

  • Other activities to help the organisation modernise or adapt its operations and systems

Investing in innovation and redesigning programmes and services

  • Exploring opportunities to adapt a program, service or service delivery system based on information gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Testing a program, service or service delivery system that was redesigned or adapted during the pandemic

  • Purchase of equipment or materials to facilitate the adaptation of a program or service based on information gathered during the pandemic

  • Evaluation or analysis of the adaptation or redesign of a program, service or service delivery system that was implemented during the pandemic

  • Other activities to help the organization modernize or adapt its programs and services

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